Sunday, November 16, 2008

Shoulda been a fun morning.

There was an indoor boxer meetup today. We got there and I started running around and having fun. Then some annoying people with insecure dogs showed up and another boxergirl and I tried to box with them a bunch 'o times and theeen this stupid spazzz puppy showed up and she was really annoying [mom said her mom was five billion times as annoying as the puppy] and I tried to 'play' with her and then I would up in timeout.

Now I am going to take a nap because I kept my tail wagging the entire time I was in timeout and I'm super exhausted. I will provide photo evidence of how mean my mom was and my timeout action after my siesta!!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I hope the nap does the trikhk fur woo!

Rest the tail so woo khan share the tale!


Rambo said...

Gucci girl,
you were in time out? I can't believe it! You are such a good girl, how can you misbehave? I think your Mom made a mistake, don't you?
love ya,

Mack said...

aw man - at least I hope your nap is a good one!

Lacy said...

w00f's Gucci, me cant believe they wuz soo mean to u...u gonna haff to set them all straight....

b safe,

pps, things always seems better after a nap..

Chef said...

I can't believe your Mom gave you time out because a dog was annoying you. Not fair!

Chefster, sending kissies

Lorenza said...

Hi, Gucci!
Sounds like the other doggie was the one who must be in timeout!
I hope you had a nice nap!
Kisses and hugs

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That tail-waggin can be so exhausting - hope woo got a good nap in.

Woos, the OP Pack

Anonymous said...

Hi gucci! I really think that that annoying pup should have been in time out, not you! I'm right aren't I?

Wow, a lil' brother! How cool is that. He is almost as pretty as you.

I have something for you at my blog!


Bae Bae said...

Have a good rest Gucci

~ Bae

Miss Sophie said...

Oh I love a good box and chesty rub bonding. No time out when play with Sophie, play play play....
Velvety Kissies