Thursday, July 17, 2008

Heehe tonight I got a biiiig treat!!

Sooo Mommy was feeling much better by around lunchtime but I wanted to sleep more soo she let me nap while she ran errands 'n stuff. Then she came come and we played with a pawesome squirrel toy and we played football a l'il [::coughcoug:: hey Lenny, football totally needs to be in the paw-limpics ::cough::] and laterrrr Miss Ashley came home.

Miss Ashley is my Mommy's roommate and she has a super cute l'il yokie dude named Zoe [she had the name first]!

Anywaysssssss...Zoe [a picture of him begging tonight is over on the right side] turned six last week and someone gave him some snackie treats that are waaaaay too big for him so Miss Ashley said I could have 'em!! Her and Mommy said they are like doggy taquitos! I have no clue what taquitos are coz I don't have any chihuahua friends yet but they sure sounded delish and mannnn oh mannnnnnn those treats did not disappoint!!

Everyone ask your hoomans...does this snackie look like a taquito to yooou?????

Despite having his own rawhide, Zoe really wanted in on my doggy taquito action...

So sorry Zoe, 1) Ashley said you couldn't have any; and 2) it was waaaay too delish to share. :X

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