Don't worry pups, I'm still around. Mom and I have just been reallllllly busy!
We moved so Mom could be closer to her day job and family. Sorry blog packers, I think my blogging days may be over.
I kinda post on twitter sometimes.
If you want to keep in touch with me [or my Mom], twitter is the best way to go for now...until the next pawesome social networking site arrives. :D

Does anyone know what happened to Ben the Rotti?
Awww, we are sorry to hear this, we really miss you. Ben the Rotti is still around but we don't think they post as much. We don't twitter, hope you can come back to blogger.
Woos, the OP Pack
Oh no!
Please don't stop blogging!
We don't have enough time to Twitter - the blogs take up our free time -
I did manage to get Ben to paw a short pupdate earlier this week by asking his khousin Ginger Jasper to please please please get my HANDSOME BEN to blog again!
I'll paw what The OP Pakhk did!
Hi, Gucci!
Glad to know you and your mom are doing well!
We don't twitter either!
Ben posted the last week. They all are ok!
Kisses and hugs
There you are, Gucci! We don't Twitter either - I hardly have time to blog, let alone Twitter. Glad to see your pretty face.
Well.. Good luck in your new home and new environment.. I hope you could keep up with the changes around you..
Gucci Profile
sorry to hear your blogging days are over... ours are just starting maybe you'll want to be a blog reader
Rush has his first blog because he was diagnosed with Lymphoma and we are going to post about our efforts to make his life the best in the next few weeks hopefully years!!
Gucci, we hope that the new place you moved to is just so wonderful. It looks like a great place with open fields. Thanks for sharing the update. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
World of Animals
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