1.) The l'il hooman boy who called me a cow's dog is super nice. He tells me all the latest gossip. I'll try to get a picture of him one of these days. No worries though, he is no where near as handsome as my Cheffie Weffie!
2.) Apparently I look good for my age. Three people the past two days have said "aww...is she a puppy??!?". Mom said next time she's just gonna go along with it.
3.) It's finally getting kinda warm here which means I get super extra awesome long walks!! This morning I got a 45 minute one! I told Mom that I wanted to pretend like I was on top model so she took some pictures for my portfolio.I was kinda camera shy at first.

That looked like MY tree trunk!
It is soooo nice to see woo again!
Grrrreat pouty puppy face!
You make a tewwific supewmodel..
I'm glad it's finally getting wawm enuff fow long walks and squiwwel patwol
have a gweat weekend
smoochie kisses
We got some great weather here this week and got in a few good walkies. But we couldn't find any squirrels, not even the whiff of one. Woo do look like a young pup - woo are so beautiful.
Glad to see woo back.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
A 45-minute walk?! That's awesome! Glad you have made friends with the cow-boy.
Gucci. I'm wagging you like the new pad and the walkies and the little leggededs. You are looking good too. the paw move is pretty neat, sort of like ballet!!
Wiry wags, Eric xx
Hi, Gucci!
You are pretty!
Sure is nice you are enjoying long walkies now!
Have fun!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Gucci Girl!
You are SO much fiercer than Tyra Banks or Heidi Klum! Glad to hear that you and Chef are still going strong. Quite proud of my match-making skills with you two!
Your pal,
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