Saturday, September 20, 2008

The box!

For all your doggies and hammies who have been waiting and waiting to find out about where the box was going and what was inside a vurrry special handsome super charming somedoggie just bloggied about it!!

Oh how I Mr. Chef.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh Gucci Girl, Chef is mighty handsome. He sure is enjoying your gift of that chicken. We love the freckles on his nose.

Woos and wags, the OP Pack

Chef said...

Gucci!! Just want to let you know that played with my funnychicken (that's what Mama is calling it -- affectionately, though) all night. The squeaker is gone and I think it's in my stomache. If I start squeaking I'll let you know.

Thanks again, sweetiepooch. I just love my present -- and you! ;)