Yes, she fell asleep with Oreo kicking her face. The last stuffie she snuggled with like this didn't fair so well the next day. Thus, I fear for Oreo's safety tomorrow. :X
Following the life and heartbreakingly adorable times of me, Gucci!!
The rules of this award are:
Add the logo of the award to my blog; Add a link to who awarded it to me; Nominate at least seven other blogs; Add links to those blogs on my blog; Leave a message for my nominees on their blogs.
I know a loooot of you already have this award so if I give it to you that just means your bloggeh is double-y brillante [but ya don't gots to give it to anyone else again]!!!
I'm giving it to My Mommy, Morgan, The Puppies, The Pack over at Life Inside the Fence, Lenny, my girlpal Gaia, and the oh so handsome Mr. Chef. CONGRATS!!
Time to go wakeup the rest of the hoomans in this house!