Sunday, August 3, 2008

I was tagged, eeek!!

Levi and Cooper AND Gracie Lou tagged me to play the name game.

What is your name? Gucci Sasha C. [Mom told me not to post my last name on the internets!] Gucci is because of the designer I guess, my oldddddddd Mom gave me that name and months later left me at the rescue. Sad story. Sasha is because that's Alexander Semin's nickname. He's a sweeeeeeeeeet hockey player.

If you could change your name, what would it be? Sasha Alexandra. Or maybe Killer, I mean people are already afraid of me...

What is your pet's name? Zoe...hehehe nawww. Umm, I have lotsa pets. My favorite is a pink piggy that I only get if I'm being good. She doesn't have a name because we don't spend much time together. :(

If you could change your pet's name, what would it be? She doesn't have a nameeeeeeee! :'(

What are your brother and/or sister's name/s? Iont know what happened to my sis/bros, but I have a roommate doggeh named Zoe.

If you could change their names, what would they be? Mr. lil food stealer toy hogging boy dog with a girl dog name.

That was fun!! Okay lets see...who to tag, who to tag? Gaia, Peanut, Clover and Cairo. I would tag GirlGirl but she's likee, not around muchos nowadayz. :(

...and finally,
Hehehe. I get to watch my first football game today. Here's me in football pawlimpics training last week...

How long's a football game? Does it involve treats? Think I'll be able to stay awake?? Inquiring boxerminds [well, just mine] want to know!!!


Misadventures of Widowhood said...

We learn interesting stuff with the name game. I love the name you'd give your sibling---oop, house mate.

Levi's mom

Lorenza said...

Hi, Gucci!
Those games are funny, right?
I like to watch soccer games! It takes 90 minutes full of screams and sometimes bad words!
Enjoy yours!
Kisses and hugs

Maverick the Pirate said...

Harrrrrrr Gucci
Glad to know more aout you Harrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Chef said...

Guuuuci! If you want to play Licky Mouth with me, I'd be very honoured! I'm having a little crush on you....
