Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Something has invaded my playroom!!!

Mom gets home from work, lets me out of my den, and I find out that the dog playroom has been taken over!!!

See that pile of colored stuff in the corner??

Yeah, that belongs to Zoe and me. We have a pretty sweet pile of toys, dontcha think??!?!

Here I am giving the invader a death stare, fully equipped with laser eye action.
Anddddd when said invader didn't evacuate immediately, I pouted.

Sighhhhh. Playroom, you shall be missed.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Gucci!
Not fair! Are you going to run around the invader?
Kisses and hugs

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh, Gucci, it will be OK, now woo have a great hiding place.

And even that pouty face is adorable.

Woo, the OP Pack

Rambo said...

Gucci poo,
you are too cute to have a pouty face. Put tht pretty smile back on and chase that invader right out of your play room!

Peanut said...

sorry about the playroom but sometimes they put yummy stuff to eat on the invader and if you are fast enough you can get some.