Friday, August 1, 2008

I'm being tortured.

Apparently my paws are cracked? I don't know.


Sox? C'mon Mom.

Oh yeah, speaking of paws. THE WOMAN TOTALLY FORGOT TO SEND IN MY PAWLIMPICS ENTRIES OMDDDDD!!#$%^&#!@# Sighhhhhhhhhhhh. I'll post 'em in the next few days so you can see how cute the pics are...totally medal worthy. Sighhhhhhhhhh. I better get one of those taquito treats after all this nonsense!


Oreo is still alive. :) I love that l'il goi!


Peanut said...

Gucci since you have to have the socks on anyway tell your mom bag balm would work faster :) Can't wait to see the pictures

Boo Casanova said...

hahahaha. gucci, when i can't help non stop licking my paws, mom FORCED me to wear the sox. sucks i say.

you don't know how it crack? could it be too hot?

wet wet licks


Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Sorry to hear you are cracked and being tortured. Tell your mom Bag Balm really does work better.

You've been tagged to play the name game. Come to our blog entry August 2 to learn how to play.

Levi's mom

Amber-Mae said...

Hi there Gucci! New friend here. Oh my, how did your paws get cracked like that? I'm sure it hurts quite a bit just like when our hoomans have cracked lips ya know...We have that oily thingy too but never use. Hope your paw paws become soft & moist again. Hehehe!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Kevin Witmyer said...

You've been tagged to play the name game. Come to our blog entry for August 2 to see how to play it.


Gracie Lou

Chef said...

Hi Gucci. Sorry I haven't sniffed by in a while but here I am.. What the heck did ya do to your feet, girl? No sidewalks or gravel for a while!! Peanut is right. Bag balm is better. Plus it has a bit of an antibiotic in it to prevent infection. You're still as boootiful as ever!


PS. Just added you to my blogroll.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Gucci!
I hope your paws get better soon!
You look so cute wearing those socks!
Kisses and hugs

Unknown said...

Hey Gucci, At least we still have you in the Bone Relay!
My mom has your picture ready (she borrowed it from your blog and photoshopped it) and she wanted to make sure it was okay with you to use it. I can email it to you if you want but I don't have your email address - if you want could you send it to me at pawlimpics at gmail dot com? The Bone Relay will be Monday! Thanks!
Your friend, Lenny