Thursday, August 21, 2008


I was asked if I was a Pit bull by Mommy's neighbors tonight and a few hours later we caught this story on the local late night news.


Need I remind you,
I AM NOT A PIT BULL!!@#$%&^#


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Why do those hoomans mistaken your breed?

~ Girl girl

Mack said...

It is very obvious you are a 100% boxer girl with great taste in handbags!!

The Puppies said...

You definitely look like a boxer girl! But don't be sad Gucci, it happens to me too! I have had people ask if I was a pit bull... it makes me want to lick them to death!!! (well at least until they can't take it anymore!!)

Anonymous said...

You look nothing like a pitbull!

We have a had lot of pitbull attacks around here recently, turns out it was one guy with a pack of 4 dogs that he was letting loose. I am not sure if they put them down yet or not. :p
My friend has a pitbull named Roxy and she is the sweetest thign!

Haha no we are ok squirrel wise, I was at Target on the weekend and I almost grabbed one, but bought the fox instead. So now they take turns fighting over the squirrel and the fox. Silly puggies!

Bella the Boxer said...

I hear you, Gucci...I get that sometimes too. Also, people think I'm a "he" instead of a "she," like girls can't have muscles, right?

xoxo - Bella

PS: Mom and Dad have been crying tears after clicking on the George W. link that you sent. Also, check out my blog I've put a link to yours under my friends list.

Puddleglum said...

Gucci-- what is up with those stoopid hoomans? Even I can tell you're a foxy Boxer, and I have to crane my neck to look up at you!


Maybe you can talk the hoomans you own into making the next person who asks that question REALLY uncomfortable. :)